I want to delete my account.

A registered Warp Portal Account cannot actually be deleted under any circumstances. The customer support team does not delete any account, even if the account stays inactive for a long period of time. We can, however, permanently suspend an account at the user’s request. (These are usually regarding cases where the user is away for a long period of time and does not want anyone to access their prior information.) We can assure you that no access will be allowed to the account once it is permanently suspended. 

To continue please provide the following information and submit a ticket to us, if you wish to permanently suspend your account.
  • Account Name:
  • Full Name of Owner:
  • Real Address:
  • Registered Date of Account:
  • Phone Number:
  • Zip Code:
  • Current Registered E-mail Address:
Once this has been received, a representative will process your request. An e-mail reply will be sent once the issue has been resolved. If you wish to undo this process in the future however. Please let us know!


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Permanently Suspend

Account Name: Joao Guilherme Nobre Rittmeyer
Full Name of Owner: Joao Guilherme Nobre Rittmeyer
Real Address: Rua Sao paulo 1541 - Petropolis
Date of Birth: 07/13/1995
Phone Number: 24 981193831
Zip Code: 25651180
Current Registered E-mail Address: nobrerittmeyer@gmail.com

João Guilherme Nobre Rittmeyer (August 11, 2020 at 4:24 AM)

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