Ragnarok II - SEA Server Merge Information

Current Asiasoft SEA Ragnarok 2 players will have the opportunity to transfer their characters over to Warpportal’s Odin Sever. In order to start this process, please visit the following Warp Protal Blog post for more information: 


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Q. When can I start playing on the Odin server after registering my Ro2 SEA account?

Please know that game accounts are going to remain unable to Access the WarpPortal Odin server until the transfer is completed in October and everything has been merged over. The date of this merger will be within 7 days of the AsiaSoft servers stopping service so we can get the latest character data.

Q. What will move over to the Odin server with my character?

As far as what you can bring with you, you’ll be able to bring all your zeny and items with your characters (which will remain as they were, levels included).
However, make sure to spend your Kafra Points prior to the server closing, as the points are NOT transferrable and you won’t be compensated for Kafra Points that remain unspent on your previous account.

Q. Can I transfer my SEA characters into an existing Ro2 account?

No, SEA characters are not eligible to be moved to pre-existing Ragnarok 2 Game accounts. If you already have a Warpportal account, redeeming your token will transfer your SEA characters to a brand new Ragnarok 2 Game account.

Q. What is with all the ‘Token’ stuff?

Since your account on AsiaSoft uses a special AsiaSoft credential there would be a privacy concern that WP and AsiaSoft did not want to violate. So every account is paired with a unique token, that token is how we here at the WarpPortal will know this game account belongs now to this WarpPortal player.

Q. If I play on WarpPortal already do I need to register a new WarpPortal account?

No, we will allow 1 SEA RO2 account to added to any WarpPortal account, even if you already have an RO2 account.

Q. What if I lost or didn’t receive a token from AsiaSoft?

Don’t worry, as the merger date approaches a website will be made, and linked from this page, where you can enter your AsiaSoft credentials and get the token attributed to that account. Likely this page will become available at the end of September.

Q. What if I put in the wrong token when I register?

Please do be careful, but accidents do happen, if you need to update the token you registered please contact WP support via the SEA merger tickets. Please include as much of the following as you can so we can securely identify you and update your request.

WarpPortal account name you used to register the AsiaSoft token
Most played Character name
Game account name you want to use.
Token you accidentally used
Token that it should have been used
A screenshot of the email or Token granting webpage
Please note that battles over accounts will be adjudicated by our WarpPortal team, we will not be binding multiple accounts to one player as that is not in the spirit of this merger.

Q. What about naming collisions?

- When you are Signing up for the merging here on the WarpPortal, we will check account names to make sure it is valid before you are able to register it. In the case that the name is taken officially between your signup and the day we do the merger, we will add an “_s” to the end of the Account name.
- Guild names will not be an issue as guilds are not being merged.
- Character names that collide with names here, we will automatically set the character to need a name change on first login (free of course).

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